Saturday, 6 November 2010

Post Feminism & Popular Culture...

"post-feminism permits the close examination of a number of intersecting but also conflicting currents"

"examine shifts of direction in the feminist academy"

"the image had such a textbook “sexist ad” dimension that one could be
forgiven for supposing some familiarity with both cultural studies and with feminist
critiques of advertising"

"taking feminism into account by showing it to be a thing of the past, by provocatively 'enacting sexism'"

"this is a self-consciously 'sexist ad'"

"Feminism is 'taken into account,' but only to be shown to be no longer necessary"

"the repudiation of a feminism invoked only to be summarily dismissed"

"As a mark of a post-feminist identity young women journalists refuse to condemn the
enormous growth of lap dancing clubs despite the opportunities available for them to do so across the media"

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