Sunday, 31 October 2010

Media Conference

Chewing Gum For The Brain

'Dumbing Down' English
- using media sauces such as 'Thw Simpsons' is dumbing down core subjects such as english

Tories to tackle Media Studies menaca
- hard & soft subjects
taking soft subjects by those from less fortunate backgrounds gives them false hope

A Trendy Travesty
- Micky Mouse Subjects
'Dons despair as students spum science in favour of 'media studies' It wont get you a job
'students mislead over jobs in the media'
-not a vocational enough subject - contradictory ideas

Literature against pop culture
-Frank Leavis - seen as radical and faced a lot of criticism trying to get to learn English Lit
-Queenie - suggest trying to point negativity of pop culture so move on to literature

Media Literacy - The Great Crusade
-saving innocent kids from violence, tobacco, alochol, sex and obesity

Online Media

-Tony Benn and Online Media making society more democratic

- Jon Kinsbury 'were really talking about a converged interactive media society'
- converged media more interactive- more democratic ?

Micheal Wesche
- young generation organising difference to older generation - new democracy, ever changing

Perfecting Your Production Work

- conventions, audiences, institutions
- looking at real examples

- plan for what could have gone wrong
- record all your planning - visuals
- show the process of your 'journey'

- keep record of the process of projects journey

- storyboards

- keep ideas simple
- have a workable concept with realistic plans
- try the 25 word pitch

- peers, teachers
- keep records of feedback

- people, place, props, costumes
- get it done early- you may need to do it again
- rehearse and prepare
- share contact details to those involved

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Representation Of Women - Positively

Chanel Avdert, With Keira Knightly ...

The Chanel advert advertising the new purfume, protrays women positively as Keira Knightly is not placed in a sterotypical setting or carrying out stereotypical duties as a woman is thought to of, such as a homemaker or catering for the male species. Knightly also doesnt carry the expected looks such a long hair, a big size chest, and tanned skin.
Although there are some nude scenes, they are carried out tatefully by using close ups of her body such as face and neck, feet and ankles.
Having the protagonist wearing red connotes passion, love and romace, suggestion that she is exciting and full of life, something that a man would lust after. Using a long shot of Kiera with mirrors that duplicates her showes how much power she holds over the man, connoting that she had numeous weaponds to suduce and keep hold of him. The red also makes her stand out in the crowd, in the long shot used, connoting how significant she is, that she is the most important person in the whole advert.
The close up of Knightly laughing shows her awareness of her sucess at seducting the male character, connoting her as clever and cunning, a more powerful representation than others usually seen on TV.
As the ad draws to an end, the final long shot of her walking away from the camera, shows her independance as a woman, as she has had her fun with the man, yet she doesnt need him to stay with her.

Reprensentation of Women in Adverts

GHD - The Gospel

GHD's the gospel advert, advertising hair straightners and the rules that comes with them, definatly portays women negatively. As there are scantily clad women fighting eachother, reflecting male fantasies, thought of as 'girl on girl action' portraying them as sex objects.
This idea is highlighted as there is a high angle shot of a woman being thrown on a couch, making her seem vulnerable, and being controlled. Opposing to a shot of low angle shot of a good looking male, connoting that he is powerful and in contol, enforcing the idea of women being subordinated by men.
Most of the actions, that are supposedly not to be carried out by the women, are done behind eacchpthers back, such as, stealing thier men, borrowing thier straightners without asking, and also a voodoo doll, connoting that women are bitchy and do not havt the courage to do these things to thier faces. Making women seen as fake and not at all capable of frienship, especially with other good looking women, as they are in constand competition with each other, whether it is for who looks for the best, or for the best man.
Although the dialogue suggests the women as being poweful, 'thou shall never use yours, to make wealthy old men with weak hearts, fall in love with you', they are not using thier brains to do the work, they are simply relying on looks themselves, as if that is the only thing women have going for them.
This advert purely suggests that looks are the one factor women have, not that beauty is an add on to what they already have, it continues to portray women
in a
negative light.

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Media Guardian...

Media Guardian 100 is a list of the most powerful people in the indusrty.

The Panellist are Lord Waheed Ali, Daisy McAndrew,
Jamie Kantrowitz, Richard Park, Sarah Sands, James Scroggs, Janine Gibson, Matt Wells. Out of the 8 judges, 4 are woman therefore the gender of the panel is balanced.

19 females are on the list of 100...19%

Companies they work for include; BBC, Daily Mail, The Guardian, Grazia, Vogue, Kudos Productions, Sunday Telegraph, Shine, Pearson, ITV, Trinity Mirror,
Channel Five, The Sun.