Censorship ...
Will we ever reach a point where, as an audience, we are so desensitised that we don't need the BBFC any more?
It can be argued that things may infact sway towards the way that we wont need the BBFC as over time, audiences have become desensitised to events that occur within genres, such as the horror genre. In the 1950's psycho was percieved as one of the greats within the horror genre yet in a modern society they would not deem it as one of the scariest films that they have seen. Thorugh the years, the content of films have also changed, as more and more films that are certified 15's in fact contain things that would only be deemed to be in an 18 certified film, such as sex and violent scenes. Also, due to new and digital media, many films are available to watch online, where there is no way to check whether the correct age is watching an appropriated certificated film. Therefore, one day it may be that all BBFC's are rid fo because it may be hard to control who watches what films and what they are certified as.
Well done! Keep going!