Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Task 5...

Watch an episode of The Simpsons.

The Simpsons is a classic comedy show for all the family, with sense of humours matching different ages. It touches on unrealistic and realistic situations, catering for all types of audiences. It also keeps the audiences favourite characters as they prefer them, as the characters never age.

The show is not always funny as i have a different sense of humour than what the programme touches upon. I like some of the minor characters as they make the plot of each show fresh and current.

The Simpsons is a crude programme that is not suitable for the whole family, and definately not be shown at a usual time of 6:00pm, it should be scheduled to a later time as i feel that some of the humour present on the show is too much of an adult nature that is not suitbale for young children. The show has also been dragged on for too many seasons and the plot is far too repeetitive as the charcters never age, therefore there is only limited scope for the writers to use for the characters.

The negotiated and the oppositional reading are the closet to my own, as i am not a complete fan of the show especially of the new episodes.

Task 4...

Watch a violent scene from a gangster film. What is the effect of the scene on the audience? Use as many effects theories in you answer as possible to show your understanding of these theories.

City Of God
In the clip of the City Of God, the gang that is shown to be superior and galmorous, as they have jewellery around thier necks. The use of high angle shots and then being the only mobile beings in the shot, shows how superior they are. This would therefore make the gang seem desirable and make the audience want to be like them (copycat theory). As audiences are mezmorised with the representations they are shown in the media, audiences may watch gannster films and enjoy watching gangster characters as it gives them a sense of escapism from the life they live, or audiences may even identify with these characters and see how that other people live the same life that they do. Although, as audiences have been exposed to gangsters and them present in films since the 50's, it could be argued that audiences are no longer affected by these representations in films, therefore they have become desensitised to what they see in the media.

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